Saturday, September 4, 2010


We've heard a lot (read bad publicity) about the Common Wealth Games. It was a BIG opportunity for India to prove that Yes we are ready to take on the world! But as always, the vices of society, aka CORRUPTION seemed to have other plans of welcoming the Games in the country. Mr.Suresh Kalamadi probably hadn't though through the whole thing! Maybe all he saw were the few BIG quick bucks he could make while organizing some pansy games. Did he forget that the entire nation was at stake? Or did he simply choose to believe that the 2nd largest populated country in the world, suffered from amnesia? today they abuse, tommorow they forget! Well Mr.Kalamdi there's news for you, the YOUNG INDIA refuses to forget! We as the young souls of a nation that is aspiring to become a superpower, will not let such things fizz out as trivial and ignorant! We will bring the change! If the games happen, they will show that India deserved every chance of winning the pitch for CWG.
Lets bring the change, lets do it for the love of sports!!
Be the change you want to SEE! join in and make a difference!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


The title obviously must have spilled the beans! Well i directed my 1st ad-film!!(about a week back though!!) Anyways, the experience of calling out these words/"giving the order", was absolutely exhilarating!! There was anxiety, excitement and total happiness! Although there were problems during the shoot, but overall i had a fun time! Being a director is like being put on a pedestal! You are the single line of command!! (direct quote source: Aditya Seth Sir). But it's not always like that you see. You have to take shit not only from your crew but also from your own team-members! SO its not all rosy and honky-dory! It took us almost 6hrs to wrap up the entire shoot.And then followed the drama of editing, recording and alas, the final editing! But the final product is damn good! So all iss well!!! ;)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Save the TIGERS!!!

Hey All,
I'am a nobody. I have been in this world for the past 21 years. Coming to think of it, i haven't done anything worthy in my 21 years of life. All that i can remember is worrying about school results, or worrying about failing friendships. Apart from that i don't recall anything that i did for this world. So today, as if realisation has dawned upon me, i feel it is necessary to voice my opinion to SAVE THE TIGERS!
Our national animal, the TIGER is soon going to vanish off the earth's surface. And it no one else to blame but ourselves! What have we so-called superior intellectuals done for saving the Big CAT??? Nothing!!!
So from today, lets pledge, if not to save the tiger, atleast to spread awareness about the same. Let people around you know that there are only 1411 tigers left, and those will also vanish if we don't stop those on a mission to terminate these beautiful creatures.
So Let's show them that WE CARE!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What's happening to me??

Ohkkkk...this is weird. What is happening here?? why is there a sudden rush of excitement every time i see him? Calm down...breathe..breathe..
You must obviously be wondering what in the world 'm i writing? Ok i'll narrate the story...pstt don't fall asleep!! i started my day as usual. Woke up early, did the laundry, made some breakfast (yea we androids eat!!), and then well thought of going to the library! I reached pretty early, and lucky me there was no one around (i don't know why, but just being alone makes me happy!)except for the librarian. So i strolled in, smiled my casual "hey" to her, and walked straight towards the crime/sci-fi shelf. Hell knows what went wrong in my perfectly tuned mechanical brain, that i turned towards the "ROMANCE" shelf! This book, with a really fancy cover caught my attention. It was called, "In the land of deceit", by this human author. I ran through the synopsis, and the critic remarks (yea m cynical!) and it seemed to be a pretty good book. All this while, i failed to notice that it had started raining outside. And raining i cats and dogs! Suddenly all that i could hear was the falling of rain drops on the window sill, and nothing but perfect silence. Suddenly there was the ting-ting of the bell and this guy, came bursting in. He was soaking wet and well really wet! I tried avoiding staring at him, but HELL HE WAS GOOD LOOKING! So i tried to act all cool, and pretended to rummage through the rest of the library. All this while i kept side-glancing at him, and to my surprise so was he. I walked towards the pile of books assembled on the librarians' desk (she keeps the best of the lot there), and clumsy me, i dropped the pile. He swiftly came to help me out, and that was THE moment. Ok now the thing with us androids is that we hardly have these human emotional pangs, and even if we do it's all restricted to anger. But this was not anger, it was something totally new. It was as if even if someone would punch me real hard, i wouldn't feel it. It was as if the rain, the perfect weather had been all created for this perfect moment. We were locked in the gaze for 1/10th of a sec, when this kid walked in. He looked at us, we at him, and thank's kiddo it was all gone! Then there was the familiar "ahem ahem" from Mrs. Brookes. I just waved my book at her, and walked towards the counter. I immediately without turning back, left the library. When i was just about to walk out, i turned, and saw him looking at me, with this weird want in his eyes.

It's getting late now, and i have to wake up early tommorow. It's gonna be a BIG day, just feel it. Let you in on the details tom.
Have a good night!

A new day...a new feel

4th FEB,2010

Have you ever wondered what it would be be just human?? In today's times, there are so many people who lack just being human. It's almost like they've never heard of the word "empathy!!". I mean, it's not like 'm empathetic towards each and everyone around me, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to be human! I'm writing this after i encountered a really adorable site on my way back home. I was like always hooked onto my ipod, randomly staring at the passing objects. Suddenly, this group of people caught my attention. They were all huddled up together right in the middle of the road. As my auto moved closer, i witnessed something i won't defer from calling a miracle! The group actually consisted of small kids, and they were all trying desperately( if i may add,from the looks upon their faces) to save this kitten that i assume had been hit and run over by a speeding monster's SUV! These boys were running about getting water from nearby houses and pouring it softly over the kitten in hopes to revive it! i couldn't stand witness to see whether the kitten actually jumped up in all it's glory, or the crowd quietly dispersed, mourning the death of a kitten. But this just got me thinking, that if nothing there is also hope. And then all kinds of cliched thoughts struck me..."hope springs eternal!", "every cloud has a silver lining!..." n blah blah. And i just smiled to myself thinking, "hey there are human beings on this planet! It's not just being run by androids!"

This was the thought that ran through Emily's head the other night. She typed the last word and looked up...only to stare at an android!