The oxford dictionary defines it as: 1. a job or profession
2.The action, state or period of occupying or being occupied by force!
I like the second definition better, ' being occupied by force!'. So how many of us actually have an 'occupation' we enjoy or are not being forced to follow. I'd say 1%. Ok chances are there maybe more, but a majority of us are either always cribbing or bad mouthing our so called 'jobs'. Why can't we ever try and do something that we truly love and that we fell is our true calling?
there maybe many reasons. One could be 'parents'.The heritage old reason. 'My parents wanted me to be an engineer/doctor/teacher!'. The past generation seems to have taken over the dream profession their frustrated parents ever dreamt of being. 'Well if i couldn't become a doctor so wha, i'm going to make my child one!'. Honestly, get over yourself, and let your child be.
It may seem that i myself suffer from the 'i-hate-my-job' syndrome, but no. I very much am in a profession which i thoroughly enjoy and look forward to every day. Well you see I'm a copywriter 9and a budding one at that too!) so in my profession, there is always a curiosity to look forward to, always an eagerness to do something new, something exciting something 'world-shattering !'. Well almost. What I just described is the dream job for any copywriter. But in the real world that we live in, well realities are sour! So to start off we have 'clients'. This species, i don't intend to inflict a wrong image of them by calling them species, but they truly deserve that! So, coming back to clients. They are the species that have evolved from the lowly trade of 'client servicing'. When they are a part of the agency, they slave. when they quit, they rule. Because then they get a chance to make the agency their slave and have some fun. To start off with, they give absurd timelines. Almost all their jobs are on fire, and lastly they feel their brand is the most powerful of all and hence, they own the creative.
Next in line is the agency. Not agency per se, but the people who work in it. Like your team. There will always be two sides to a coin, but certain people will try to be innovative and somehow try to make you realise that 'dude, you've been living in an illusion. the coin is one-sided!'. They will see to it that you start seeing the world from their eyes, all the time making a point to 'grow you into an individual creative mind'. (I really don't know if that made any sense!)
Anyhow, moving further. There are the higher creatives. the CDs, the Sr.CDs, the VPs, the ECDs and if your lucky, NCDs!! All this jargon, exists in real life. So don't get flabbergasted!
So coming to the point, i don't really know if copywriting is my forte, or is my true calling?! Well i certrainly enjoy writing, but i am still in a dilemma whether to continue in this profession or just go explore.
Just while thinking the other day, i felt a strong urge to just pack my bags, leave to anywhere and just ravel. Maybe become a travel journalist. Or maybe just a travel blogger. I would really love to write about places, people, FOOD, clothes, music, roads...anything for that matter. I don't know. But feel the urge.
So, to unravel the mysteries or just experiment for all you know, i'm going to blog about the city i live in. MUMBAI.
I know the city has been used, abused, battered and bruised, but honestly i feel every person has their own way of looking at things. Maybe mine are similar to a lot many, or maybe i just am following a trend, or whatever....but this is an urge that is definitely not going to be suppressed or undermined. It's a feeling and i'm going to make it good! it goes...'AN ODE TO THE CITY I HAVE COME TO LOVE....MAJHI MUMBAI!'
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