Tuesday, August 2, 2011

When you ponder on the pondering...

Once upon a time…

I’ve always wondered why do all stories start like that. Is it that it was an auspicious time for good things to start? Or was it just a random phrase coined by someone, who was going through a rough patch and just to cheer himself up, he said, "Let’s put this story back in the time when it was hunky dory..." It's almost as if Once upon a time, when the world was rosy, when the birds sang and the sun was shining bright, that was the time we should have lived.

What if stories started out with a slight twist. What if the classics did not have a 'Once upon a time' or for that matter even a 'happily ever after', would that have stopped us from reading them.

If Cinderella would not have been set in a 'once upon a time', would she be anything else but Cinderella? Would little Red Riding Hood, be eaten by the wolf had it not been 'once upon a time'?

Probably these stories would have started different and ended on a different note all together. Maybe there would not have been a happily ever after, if it would not have been for the 'once upon a time'.

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