Thursday, May 12, 2011

I had a Thought!

I had a thought,
now it's gone.
It seemed to be content,
or probably something i just dreamt!
This rhyme was created not to rhyme,
but to tell you about the thought that mimed.
He mocked, He laughed, He protested,
Said, "use me useless, or i'll be detested!"
I never knew a thought could talk back like that,
never thought it would dictate terms like that,
Desperate to be used, someway or the other,
he popped up in front of me again.
Holding a billboard that said, 'I'm more than useless!',
It was a line he copied, i guessed,
Desperate, he kept jumping up and down,
Until he caught my attention,
It was too much, and i had to send him into detention!
Today when i wish to get him back,
He mocks, He laughs, He protests,
Says u sent me into detention,
and now you want my attention!
It's too late, it's too dark,
Go home...and maybe some other day we'll meet!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

if Chess be the game of life, Play On!!!!!

Sometimes you just don’t understand why certain things happen the way they happen. It’s like the universe is conspiring against you. Your every move is being marked by someone up there. It’s like you’re a pawn, and the One in the heaven’s above is playing a game of chess.

He’ll move you around. Sometimes 2 blocks, at times one. Take you back to where you started from. Take you way ahead of where you would want to be. And then you’d have to smile and say, “Thank you God, for our daily bread!”

But given a second thought, just a thought. (After all, the poor little pawn eventually has to play according to the master plan) But given a thought, what if the pawn could talk back. Maybe give a little tip, a little POA of his own? Every single time, the One picks up the pawn to play a move, the pawn is looking up to the almighty, eyes brimming with hope, a head bursting with ideas of his own, and then the One places the little pawn right where he wants it or the Pawn doesn't want to be. Right in the line of fire.

And then the evil laughter. The mutterings of an evil plan under construction, plotting and scheming. And the Pawn, smiles and says, 'C'est la vie!'